Our work
Loved & Shared is built on the premise ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ We come together as a community to gift and rehome high-quality donated nursery and children’s goods to families experiencing hardship.
We involve a dedicated network of volunteers, support services and organisations, community groups, goods donors, financial donors and other supporters in our work. Together, we ensure all families in South West Victoria have access to essential resources required to raise thriving children.
We believe that communities are strengthened when people come together to share resources, skills, and assets. Our gifts alleviate the pressures of financial hardship, assist families to become active and engaged in their community, and support the physical and emotional needs of children facing adversity.
Our work to gift and rehome new and preloved nursery and children’s goods reduces the number of items sent to landfill in our region. We are passionate about preserving the earth’s precious natural resources for future generations.

Caring community, thriving children, healthy planet

We are here for our community
We are here for resilient families, carers and children who are facing adversity. We are here for our conscientious, caring, and proactive community who want to create a meaningful social and environmental impact. We are here to enable equal opportunity for the benefit of our whole community.
Our impact
In South West Victoria, 20% of the population aged 0-8 are considered vulnerable on 1 or more of the 5 critical childhood development criteria, this is significantly higher than the state average*.
*idcommunity (profile.id.com.au) and Remplan Community Profile (remplan.com.au)
Over 4,500* children in our region live in poverty and do not have access to the essential resources required to grow and thrive, while tonnes of high-quality nursery and children’s items are being sent to landfill each year.

We strengthen our community

We maintain dignity

We build connection

We retain the earth’s precious resources